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Bsf duurzaamheid

Sustainability at BSF Expediteurs

The climate is constantly evolving, with both natural and human factors contributing to these changes. Understanding the consequences of a changing climate is crucial in shaping our policies.

The transport sector accounts for 12.3% of global CO2 emissions (source: CBS). Logistics is a significant aspect of our company, and we strive to carry out our transports as sustainably as possible. To achieve this, we have implemented various measures in the areas of logistics, digital work, and energy conservation. 

  • These measures include promoting fewer kilometers traveled and utilizing multiple modes of transportation. 
  • We collaborate with partners who prioritize CO2-neutral transportation and uphold sustainability.
  • We implement effective CO2 management throughout our operations.
  • We offer environmentally friendly solutions and services to our customers.
Bsf directie

"Door bewustwording te vergroten, betrokkenheid te stimuleren en de juiste middelen te bieden, kunnen we samenwerken aan een duurzame toekomst, zowel binnen BSF als daarbuiten."

Ruud Bestman en Roel van Tuijl (Directie BSF)

Bsf directie

"Door bewustwording te vergroten, betrokkenheid te stimuleren en de juiste middelen te bieden, kunnen we samenwerken aan een duurzame toekomst, zowel binnen BSF als daarbuiten."

Ruud Bestman en Roel van Tuijl
(Directie BSF)

"Door bewustwording te vergroten, betrokkenheid te stimuleren en de juiste middelen te bieden, kunnen we samenwerken aan een duurzame toekomst, zowel binnen BSF als daarbuiten."

Ruud Bestman en Roel van Tuijl
(Directie BSF)

"By increasing awareness, encouraging involvement, and providing the right resources, we can work together towards a sustainable future, both within BSF and beyond."

Ruud Bestman en Roel van Tuijl
(Directors BSF)

Sustainability in the workplace 

We believe that sustainability should not only be imposed from the top down but also starts in the workplace. Therefore, the following measures have been implemented in our office:

  • Our office building is equipped with solar panels to generate sustainable energy.
  • We encourage employees to minimize printing and separate waste. 
  • We strive to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible by collaborating with local partners.
  • Employees are encouraged to commute to work by bicycle.

We are proud to continuously make our company more sustainable and will continue to seek ways to contribute to a better environment and a healthy future for all of us.

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